Woodworking Workbench - Planning
At some point all the research we do should be put to action, otherwise there is a risk of getting stuck in analysis paralysis. So, after weeks of reading blog posts, browsing forums, Reddit posts, watching Youtube videos and even a physical book borrowed from the library I started off the journey to build a workbench.
All the reading pointed me to one conclusion - your first bench is unlikely to be your last because you just don’t know, what you don’t know! Only after using a tool for years, will you recognise what your true needs are. But having said that, having made some informed decisions, hopefully my second workbench build will be years from now and will be easier because I’ll have a workbench to build it with/on and much more experience.
After reading up on the various styles (English, Nicholson, Split top Roubo, Moravian Workbench, etc), I didn’t find one style of workbench that had everything I wanted, therefore my build is a mash-up of features that appealed to me.
Most of the joinery used will be from Paul Seller’s workbench build series
A vice-less work holding concept really appeals to me, so I will install a crochet and created dog holes in the aprons
Counter to the point above, I will also install a vice, but not sure what type/brand, etc. Maybe build myself a Moxon Vice
No tool well - I saw this as wasted space in my already constrained single car garage workshop
Built of construction grade lumber for almost everything - allows me to enjoy the work without the fear of making an expensive mistake (which is inevitable)
With some key decisions made, SketchUp draft created and notes taken I made my way to the big box stores and local lumber yard.